Visual Logic Exercise

Phase I:
Select 16 of the 19 images posted below and visually organize them equally on an 8x8 composition using a 2 inch grid. Organize them with some sense of VISUAL LOGIC looking for visual (formal) relationships between the images. You have 30 minutes to create this composition, use the full time allowed to create a visually thoughtful composition.

Phase II:
Select at least two and not more than five of the images belo, add color and/or texture of your own choosing, as well as two words, then compose a formal design which imparts VISUAL LOGIC.
You may add or subtract color, knock-out backgrounds, and posterize if appropriate, but no photoshop gimmicks for gimmicks sake. The final composition size is also to be 8x8. Use a 1 inch modular grid to help compose and structure this part of the exercise. You have forty five minutes to create two visual expressions.

Post all three composition onto blog.

Review and discussion will begin at 4:00.