Morphology Exercise


The greek definition of the word morphology is the “study of shape”. In visual communication it is the study of the visual logic - form and structure of a design. A designer can also create a morphology, often called a graphic standard, to use as a guideline for designing a variety of visual communications to maintain a particular  hierarchy and look. Design templates are also another form of a morphology often used in web design.

In this exercise, you will study and list the morphology that comprises your particular redesign of the music package cover. Your morphology will be unique to your design and should differ from your classmate’s. Number the basic morphological elements, as shown below, and give the sub-elements an alphabetic listing. Adjust, add and or subtract to your list as necessary. Please write a description of your particular design structure, organizing agent, and/or formal element next to each listed morph..

Music Album Cover Design Morphology
- Elements of Form
- Agents of Structure

1     Grid

2     Colors

3     Type

4     Shapes
- a   Circular (soft)
- b   Triangular (pointed)
- c   Square (stable)
- d   Biomorph (Natural)
- e   Other

5     Lines

- a   Straight
- b   Curved
- c   Other

6     Composition
- a   Dynamic
- b   Tension - Attraction
- c   Tension - Repulsion
- d   Stable
- e   Other

7     Space
- a   Positive
- b   Negative

8     Background (Ground)

9     Figure
- a   Whole
- b   Parts

10   Border

11   Bleed

12   Movement
- a   Vectors
- b   Other

13   Other

Spend 30 to 45 minutes analyzing your cover design and listing your morphology, then post it to your blog.