Design Project #3- Syntax Poster


The constructivist designers investigated a new approach to creating visual communication. While considering themselves artists, they did not like art’s implied reference to personal expression and started referring to themselves as “Constructors” – or builders of messages – replacing the emphasis on personal expression with a goal of meeting societal needs through the creative process. As constructors, their particular approach to design was making the design itself the syntax of the message. I often call this overtly compositional approach “syntax-based” design.

Our next design project is again a poster, but this time with the message building as the viewer is guided through the design by the composition to a persuasive conclusion and a rousing call to action. The subject matter and message is to be of your choosing, but in the spirit of “Constructivism's Design for the Collective,” your message must be one that you feel will serve social change for the better.

Choose a social issue – anything from the food we eat, to the air we breathe, concerns about the environment, health issues, social justice concerns, etc – which is of UTMOST PERSONAL CONCERN to you and/or people that you care about and create a message around that issue. While some subjects may appear to be political in nature, this project’s objective is to create a message that is positive, informing and empowering and not political.

The AIGA has implemented a movement called "Design For Good", which is a platform to build and sustain the implementation of design thinking for social change. Visiting their web site program link at may help you better understand the essence of the class project. They have examples of Design For Good projects by a variety of design professionals (and students).

–        Feb 11       Syntax Poster Project Launch

TH –     Feb 13       Syntax Poster Project Description & Concept Sketches Due

T –        Feb 4         Syntax Poster Roughs Due

TH –     Feb 6         Syntax  Poster Comp Due

T –        Feb 4         Final Syntax Poster Due

All due dates include printing for presentation and critique, as well posting on your blog.