Design Project #2- Process Poster


Objects can be viewed from different points of view, not just physically, but also as functioning processes which provide benefits to their users. The next phase of the Object Poster project is to turn your object image into a process image, and juxtapose and/or configure it with empowering words and type to create a strong effective communicator of the benefits of the object.The message will need to have an identified and/or implied sender as well as an identified and/or addressed audience who would benefit from your object.

–        Jan 27       Process Poster Project Launch

TH –      Jan 30       Process Poster Roughs (3) Due

T –        Feb 4       Process Poster Comp Due

TH –      Feb 6       Final Process Poster Due

All due dates include printing for presentation and critique, as well posting on your blog.


Semiotic Attributes of a Process Poster 

While an object is a thing and possess features unique to that thing.
An object as a process communicates the benefits and/or functionality of the features –
in short, the process of the object is the true meaning of the object (its purpose). 

The goal of a “process poster” is to overtly convey the benefits of the object to the audience.

Formal Attributes of an Historic Process Poster 

•  Bold Contrasting Colors

•  Dynamic Backgrounds / Visual Contexts

•  Structured Compositions (Use of Grids)

•  Concrete Type & Structured Typographical Layouts

•  Relationship of Type to Image (Juxtapostion & Configuration)

•  Positive & Negative Space Relationship

•  Repetition of Elements

•  Color and Texture Gradations

•  Speed Trails

•  Strong & Dynamic Spatial Relationships 

• Borders:

   – Small & Tight Borders
   – Borders in Borders

•  Type:

    –  San Serif, Slab Serif, Oblique
    –  All Caps, Contrasts & Weights 


Examples of A.M.Cassandre's "Process" Posters: