Design Project #1- Object Poster


Object: Inherent Meaning
Word: Identity

The object (image) holds an inherent meaning (object/functionality) within itself.

The word identifies the object.

Juxtaposition is also a form of association :

An image (object sign)) holds an inherent meaning, its own identifier, but also a subjective / associative meaning.

A word likewise, holds inherent meaning as well as subject / associative meaning.

When juxtaposed next to one another, images and words can transfer their associative meanings to each other,
creating a third meaning that transcends the original inherent and associative meanings.

This concept can be expressed as an equation:

Image:                                 Word:                                       Juxtaposition

Inherent Meaning Inherent Meaning
                                                                                                Signified Meaning
________________       + ________________        =     Informed Associative
Subjective/                         Subjective/                            
Associative Meaning            Associative Meaning

We will explore this powerful visual communication principle throughout the semester.



The object poster, as exemplified by the Priester matches poster designed by Lucien Bernhard, is the beginning of the modern graphic designer's exploration of the relationship between word and image. 


The first phase of this design project is to choose an object you have familiarity with. 

Render it in simple colored shapes without outlines, visually reduced and edited down to its visual essence as an object. Do not visually interpret and/or express yourself through the object, but visually represent the object as it is. 

Juxtapose the image with a word – 
– version one with a word which identifies the image. 
– version two with a word which signifies the image and changes the nuance, meaning and/or interpretation 
of the image. 

Do not choose a typeface for the words that overtly signifies. Keep the word legible and easy to read so that it communicates on its own accord as text. Juxtapose the word with the image in a straightforward way, position it level, placed close to and/or if appropriate touching the image so they unify as a singular composition. Choose a color for the background of the design, that objectively convey the inherent meaning of the word and the object.


Phase I:

T       Jan 14       Object Poster Project Launch

TH –      Jan 16       Object Poster Roughs Due

T       Jan 21       Object Poster Comp & Semiotic Exploration Due
TH –      Jan 23       Final Posters - Version 1 & 2 are Due


Considerations for Success in Critique and Evaluation
Follow all assignment and presentation instructions

Present viable finished solutions for critique

Participate in the critique discussion

Demonstrate superior effort/skill/proficiency in some or all of the following areas: 
– Problem Definition
– Idea Development
– Handling of Form
– Visual Organization
– Technical Execution of Working & Finished Work
– Presentation